The Chamber is an affiliated active partner in diverse activities of the EU funded project EBSOMED. it is a 4 year project co-financed by the European Commission, led by the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED) and implemented by the MEDALLIANCE consortium consisting of 5 partners: EUROCHAMBRES (Association of Chambers of Commerce in Europe); ASCAME (Association of Chambers of Commerce in the Mediterranean); ANIMA Investment Network; CAWTAR (Center of Arab Women for Training and Research); GACIC (German-Arabic Chambers of Commerce). The project aims at boosting the Mediterranean business ecosystem promoting inclusive economic growth and job creation, by enhancing the private sector environment and namely the Business Support Organisations in the Southern Neighbourhood countries.
- Kick -off seminar of EU Project Ebsomed in Tunis
- Chamber of Beirut & Mount Lebanon within theEBSOMED Sector Alliance Comittee of Logistics & Transport Organized by ASCAME at SIAL 2019, Barcelona
- Chamber of Beirut & Mount Lebanon calls from ASCAME platform For solidarity with Lebanese enterprises